Our History
In 2008 a group of around a dozen Canadian Neuroradiology pioneers held the first meeting to discuss interesting cases, complications and to share tips. They found it very useful and this is how the Canadian Interventional Neuro Group was born. Since then yearly meetings are held across Canada. The CING has expanded over the last 10 years but at its core, it remains a friendly association of neurointerventionists.
There is no formal constitution but an elected committee of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Trainee representative holds regular minuted business meetings with the membership, submits formal accounts, sponsors a travelling fellowship and oversees the smooth running of the meetings, the website and social media accounts.
In recent years it has taken on more formal administrative roles, advising national bodies about clinical and technical developments in the field.
CING Executive Committee 2018-2020
Dr. Jai Shankar (Winnipeg), President
Dr. Joseph Silvaggio (Winnipeg), Vice-President
Dr. Zul Kaderali (Winnipeg), Secretary
CING Executive Committee 2016-2018
Dr. Daniela Iancu (Ottawa), President
Dr. Louis Juravsky (Moncton), Vice-President
Dr. Pascale Lavoie (Québec), Secretary